However, even those have plummeted. In hopes of capturing a spot at one of the nations top schools, middle and high school students in China feverishly prepare for the gaokao, or a series of college entrance exams. Judging for our contests is blind. 2022. We read the work of Shakespeare not to stumble over Old English, but to begin a process of introspection, critical thinking, and connection-building that lasts a lifetime. Lowering the Voting Age for Local Elections. Vote16 USA. Over the last eight years, tens of thousands of teenagers from around the world have answered these questions in the form of short opinion essays submitted to our annual spring Editorial Contest. Leander ISD reaches 451! Read the New York Post's editorial section featuring newspaper articles on the latest breaking news. Unfortunately, this sort of activism did not end with the protests; as the child of Soviet immigrants with relatives in both Russia and Ukraine, I am dismayed at the amount of performative social media activism generated in response to the ongoing war. Without sufficient funding, the E.P.A. Mayer, David M. How Men Get Penalized for Straying from Masculine Norms. Harvard Business Review, 8 October 2018. . What can you show us that might help explain what its like to be a teenager right now? Deripaska has been. Theres a very clear message this sends: if you arent a cisgender, straight, white male your identity is invalid. The sound of a small ping is the conduit for unfathomable and brutal stories of traumatic events. Reducing risks associated with Covid-19. School or Services? Book Ban Efforts Spread Across the U.S. The New York Times. Such incidents raise the question of who, exactly, school dress codes protect. I, like many other boys, grew up believing my identity as a male was tied to how tough I was. In Monroe Country, N.Y., where I live, only one in 18 public school districts close school for the Jewish high holidays. and onetime GOP vice. A PDF of all the winners and 150 more great editorials that made it to Round 4. I have the right to cry and express my emotions, but as someone who has been taught that mental health should be ignored, its hard to prioritize it. Summer Reading Contest. Birali Runesha, Hakizumwami, et al. But you dont have to buy the book to see many examples; just skim through this column of recent winners and choose some that interest you. About two months after the contest has closed. Shakespeares not getting you a job. Update, Jan. 18: Winners have been announced! 2022. Suicide Statistics.. Art that expresses the depths of emotions our words couldnt. Seattle Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School, Jan. 2018. prosecutes just 24 to 63 percent of those cases. Or maybe, like Sheerea Yu, youre dismayed by the disappearance of the cherished snow day. y ou r p i ec e . Has Slowed Actions against Polluters, and Put Limits on Enforcement Officers. The New York Times, 10 Dec. 2017. Here is the link to the competition and attached is Aliya's winning article. Take some 2021 winners, for example. What issues and topics do you know or care a lot about? new york times student editorial contest 2023 /a > about our Coalition student government Rutgers remained Independent 1991! The news will keep its fast pace and technology will advance, but it is up to us to learn how to balance our information intake by turning screen time limits on and taking breaks from the news each day. For those that are new or have been updated, we will post related resources before the contest begins. All of the resources on The Learning Network are free. 176,4 (2002): 227-31. You can also win up to 5000 LeetCoins per contest, as well as bonus prizes from sponsored companies. September 27, 2022.. 6. The West thrives on its stereotypes of Madagascar. Ringel, Paul. Rape Culture Dressed Up As ProtectionBy Isabella Heilig, age 16, Cape Hatteras Secondary School, Buxton, N.C. Izzy, the vice principal needs you to go to her office for something., My band teacher didnt seem to know what was going on, but I did. Others say its convenient, Why Do American Grocery Stores Still Have an Ethnic Aisle, Instagram Users Flood the App with Millions of Blackout Tuesday Posts, Posting a Black Square, but Not Black Faces, Dissection. American Anti-Vivisection Society, Florida High School Becomes First to Dissect Synthetic Animals, An On-Screen Alternative to Hands-On Dissection, Chinas College Entry Test Is an Obsession, Inequality in the Initial Wage of College Graduates at the College-Level Perspective, China Targets Costly Tutoring Classes. Just another hurdle to people already struggling. Teachers tell us they value these challenges because they invite students to take the skills they learn in school and use them to create for an authentic audience. It labels its vanilla sorbet as Madagascan Vanilla Bean. Madagascan. Even though its Malagasy farmers providing 80 percent of the worlds vanilla. To be clear, mental fortitude isnt a bad thing, but it shouldnt be confused with concealing heavy feelings. It touts the soldiers ethos of independence, valor, and service to proud citizens who have been historically underrepresented. New York Post. Contemporary Perspectives on Environmental Enforcement. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, vol. We invite students to create a short video that defines or teaches any of the words in our Word of the Day collection. In a primary school in Andhra Pradesh, India, two children roamed the halls together with boards hanging from their necks. By placing capital at the forefront of our educational system, we foster the attitude that college is nothing more than a vocational institution rather than one designed to teach us to read critically, write cogently and think broadly, abilities Princeton University believes are central to a liberal arts education and beneficial to any career. The newspaper, founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, has a reputation of appealing to working-class readers. The health benefits of biking are so great that money spent on biking infrastructure was found to have been more than recouped by the lowered need for health care. This severance of products is what David Chang, a Michelin-starred chef and restaurateur, attributes to the invisible ceiling, preventing Chinese, Japanese, and Latino foods from integrating throughout stores like their European counterparts have. For inspiration, take a look at the work of past winners and the related writing unit. Duke Energy Subsidiaries Plead Guilty and Sentenced to Pay $102 Million for Clean Water Act Crimes. The United States Department of Justice, 14 May 2015. My essay has already been published in my school newspaper. How Trumps EPA Is Letting Environmental Criminals off the Hook, in One Chart. Vox, 27 Feb. 2019. Anika Ajgaonkar, age 15, Biotechnology High School, Freehold, N.J.: Learning With Mother Tongues Helps Us Find Home, Soa Andriamananjara, age 15, Holton Arms School, Bethesda, Md. It wasnt until 1870, when the 15th amendment was ratified, that Black men got the vote. Boy Talk: Breaking Masculine Stereotypes. The New York Times. sources both within and outside The New York Times and. I Am [REDACTED]By Fayte Le, age 16, Vista Ridge High School, Cedar Park, Texas. New York Magazine: 2022 Issues 2022 Issue Archive To view an issue published from 1998 to present, select the cover in this archive. This year, however, was one for the record books: 16,664 submissions came in, about 5,000 more than ever before. In a global culture increasingly conscious of the many gender expressions, male stereotypes continue to dominate the way we perceive masculinity. Cramer, Maria, and Michael Levenson. We value programming that features different races, genders, and orientations. Younger generations are increasingly rejecting the misogyny of dress codes, which they view as being rooted in outdated ideas of womens bodies and their roles in society. To the average American, Madagascar is an amusing, animated film that tells the tale of four New York zoo animals who stumble onto the African island, Madagascar. Our goal is to offer readers a. With 24-hour news cycles and social media to amplify it, technology has created a fast-paced, addictive relationship with the news, one which must be mitigated by consumers to avert burnout and numbness. Guidelines. Making bike racks available to students would encourage an increase in bike commuters by eliminating the stress of not having a bike parking spot. By Jason Spingarn-Koff on February 5, 2014. You might also think about what topics you are an authority on, no matter how small. This was the first time in months I let that happen. A New York Times editorial uses a deeply flawed take on free speech to overinflate cancel culture and downplay the real threats to democracy. The fellowship targets up-and-coming journalists of any age. My parents managed to hire a teacher at a bankrupt tutoring firm, a friend in China confessed. As Schools Ban Books by Authors of Color, Young People Pay the Price. Refinery. Surprisingly, the vociferous keyboard critics didnt mind the use of cartoons to promote national security. The Returns to English-Language Skills in India. Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. Despite growing up as a sensitive boy, I often repress my feelings, fearing I seem soft or girly. However, I was powerless when the academic stress of junior year, social expectations, and personal responsibilities finally overwhelmed me then the tears began. With them, we pass down our culture, traditions, and history, which increasing cultural homogenization threatens to rob them of. Memes and mental health, book bans and biking: Young people tell us about the issues that matter most to them. But how, then, were American shoppers able to adapt to the diaspora of Italian and German foods into other sections of markets? The winning student entries from 2017-2021. Hundreds of thousands of students from around the world have participated in our contests over the 13 years weve been running them, creating podcasts, writing editorials, making videos, reviewing arts and culture, composing narratives, investigating scientific phenomena, and more. Write an editorial on an issue that matters to you. 2. Check out the 2020 rate sheet here. 21 Oct. 2021, Kouame, Koffi Madagascar: Glimpse of hope amidst severe droughts United Nations. Pattillo, Alexandra. Biking Your Way to Better Health. Transportation, University of California Los Angeles, 11 May 2021. The New York Times Fellowship is a dynamic, one-year paid work program aimed at cultivating the next generation of top journalists. If youve been following along over the nine years weve run our Student Editorial Contest, you know that every spring we invite middle and high school students around the world to craft opinion pieces on any topic they like as long as they can make their arguments in 450 words or fewer. 27 Feb. 2018. Because of the famine, 3.5 million Malagasy people needed assistance from the World Food Programme. But despite what social media has conditioned us to believe, not everyone has to. 10 Dec. 2021. We understand that students will often revise their work based on feedback from teachers and peers. It sends a powerful message to our countrys minority communities: You are respected. More than 1.2 million people attended the 2022 Calgary Stampede, 60,000 shy of the all-time record. While the movies actors make millions of dollars, the Malagasy gross domestic product per capita is 596.35 USD. 1. As each contest goes live, we will add a link on this page. The New York Times Learning Network has an article with ten reasons to send student work out into the world. Should Rivers Have Same Legal Rights as Humans? 3. Students can search for articles using the search tool on our home page. Teenagers tackle these issues and more in these 18 runners-up essays. Thomas Feyer, the New York Times letters editor, provides tips for getting your letter published in his. Step-by-step directions for telling a meaningful, interesting and short true story from your life with 25 mentor texts to help. This years lineup mixes classic challenges with new opportunities. Clearly, clothing didnt distract them from their message. Accessed April 12, 2022. Environmental Crime: The Prosecution Gap. The Crime Report, 14 July 2014. As the American Psychological Association reports, Asian Americans are three times less likely to reach out for professional help compared to whites, the difference made evident as only 8.6 percent of Asian Americans sought professional help compared to the 18 percent of the general population nationwide. Editorial Roundup: New York By Associated Press | Sept. 29, 2022, at 1:40 p.m. Editorial Roundup: New York By The Associated Press New York Post. Our planet has been endangered by the people who wont live to see its demise. This censorship clearly exemplifies the concept of erasure, defined by The New York Times as a practice that renders certain people and groups invisible, applied to identity. For inspiration, listen to the work of past winners, and visit the related writing unit. Then Back to Vacation. The New York Times, 7 September 2010. If you are a student who meets these age requirements, use this submission form. Crying: Its a Human ThingBy Owen Yu, age 17, The Haverford School, Haverford, Pa. Several weeks ago, in a sudden, long overdue release of pent-up emotions and teenage angst, I cried. The New York Times's editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal provides seven tips for writing an effective editorial. But he wore a blank look. A total of 4,689 people entered Canada illegally at Roxham in December, which is more than arrived there in all of 2021. We believe in using student work as mentor texts, so much so that weve just published a book and teachers guide with 100 award-winning essays drawn from this contest. This is about our collective future and who belongs in it. Today, we grapple with the inevitable and threatening implications of our technological media advancements. Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Lowering Voting Age to 16. The Hill, 14 May 2020. A roundup of ideas from 17 teachers and students for ways to use the authentic, powerful and unafraid essays of previous student winners as mentor texts. A Growing Number of Voices Say Yes. NPR, 3 Aug. 2019. 66, no. Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, explained, When these holidays are recognized, its a sign that Muslims have a role in the political and social fabric of America. Even the small act of a day off school has a huge impact. We arent the heroes of the story were not even in the story. Mental health continues to remain an insecurity in Asian American households that prevents the community from advancing. The understanding of other belief systems students gain from these days off would be far more beneficial than a day in school. We try to create a balance that responds to the needs of our audience, but also promotes a range of expression, appeals to a broad group of students, and draws inspiration from features across The Times. Her essay was chosen among 16 runners-up, joining 10 winners and 26 honorable mentions. Wang, Philip. Steavenson, Wendell PHOTOS: Vanilla Boom Is Making People Crazy Rich And Jittery In Madagascar NPR. Since then, the Army has opened combat roles to women and formally accepted transgender members. Why risk the cost of a liberal arts education when you can learn skills that will lead you directly to a job and a greater income later in life? Florida High School Becomes First to Dissect Synthetic Animals. Los Angeles Times High School Insider, 30 Jan. 2020. Animal Dissection Top 3 Pros and Cons. 5. We receive thousands of entries for this contest, so unfortunately, our team does not have the capacity to provide individual feedback on each students essay. Who can I contact if I have questions about this contest or am having issues submitting my entry? Why is it acceptable to judge a mans looks according to an outdated standard of toxic masculinity? So who are these aisles really made for? 7 May 2020. However, as Krishna highlights, while many of the European foods eventually migrated out of the [international] section, most of the foods from other parts remained.. Students who choose to attend school feel guilty for not observing with their community. As a prime example of this, The New York Times ran a piece about a Florida high school that digitally altered yearbook photos of more than 80 female students to cover their chests because they were deemed inappropriate and immodest by school dress code standards. Our lesson plan: 10 Ways to Teach Argument-Writing With The New York Times which links to many more resources relevant to this contest, including ideas from educators who teach with it annually. The phrase performative activism was popularized during the 2020 George Floyd protests to criticize individuals communicating inconsequential statements of solidarity with the movement, especially through social media, to prove their own moral righteousness. Here are last years rules and guidelines. July 25, 2022 | 12:26pm. . However, high school students (including high school post-graduate students) who are taking one or more college classes can participate. Make an argument in 450 words or fewer about something that matters to you, andpersuade them that they should care, too. Here is our full unit on teaching argumentative writing. 23 Feb. 2022, Katanich, Doloresz How climate change is turning once green Madagascar into a desert Heres What Beijing Should Do.By Zizhou Peng, age 18, St. Georges School, Middletown, R.I. After Beijing banned after-school tutoring last summer, I was relieved. : Madagascar: The Country, Sydney Black, age 16, Byram Hills High School, Armonk, N.Y.: It Is High Time We Give 16-Year-Olds the Vote, Srikruthi Godavarthi, age 16, Olentangy High School, Lewis Center, Ohio: The Silent Sobs of Asian Americans, Isabella Heilig, age 16, Cape Hatteras Secondary School, Buxton, N.C.: Rape Culture Dressed Up as Protection, Ruby Jewett, age 16, Jesuit High School, Portland, Ore.: Schools Need to Build More Bike Racks, Zhi Feng Etan Kiang, age 14, Harvard-Westlake School, Los Angeles: A Real American Military Calls for All Americans, Catherine Latimer, age 16, Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School, Portland, Ore.: Back It Up Shakespeare Skills-Based Learning Has Come to College, Kit Man Simon Law, age 16, QSI International School of Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China: Im a Man Who Has Long Hair So What?, Fayte Le, age 16, Vista Ridge High School, Cedar Park, Texas: I Am [REDACTED], Wendy Lu, age 17, Oakton High School, Vienna, Va.: Ethnic Aisles: Segregation Within Grocery Stores, Rachel Pakan, age 16, Hunter College High School, New York, N.Y.: The Epidemic of Performative Social Media Activism, Sunghyun Park, age 16, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H.: Its Time to Lose the Obsolete Tradition of Classroom Animal Dissections, Zizhou Peng, age 18, St. Georges School, Middletown, R.I.: Chinas After-School Tutoring Ban Offers No Reprieve From School Stress. In 2015, then New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio announced that Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha would be observed as school sanctioned holidays, bringing instant relief to the New York City Muslim community. Each Friday for 10 weeks we post a new invitation like this one, and you post a comment in response. According to The Times of India, an increasing 26 percent of Indian school children attend English-medium schools. LaFraniere, Sharon. Yan, Alice. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Mar 2, 2023. And if youre submitting as part of a team, you should not also submit as an individual. This isnt just about books anymore, it never was. It sounds better in English, anyway.. Headlines regarding the book bans, too, focus almost entirely on every perspective but the one that matters most: students. Why Is India Obsessed With English-Medium Education When It Goes Against Scientific Consensus? Scroll.In, 6 Aug. 2020. June 16, 2022, at 7:10 a.m. Editorial Roundup: New York. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. School Bike Parking Inventory Analysis. GENEVA The former ambassador to Ukraine who found herself in the crosshairs of former President Donald Trump is speaking at Hobart and William Smith Colleges next week. We cant fight fire with fire, we can only hope you feel the heat. This deepens the notion that English is a language of erudition compared to native languages. We invite students to write opinion pieces on the issues that matter to them. Posting a Black Square, but Not Black Faces. The New York Times. At its core, performative activism is self-serving, prioritizing the demonstration of ones own good will over the actual cause. Anyone can read what you share. It's estimated at least 100 people enter this country at Roxham every day . This act of censorship signifies my districts part in identity erasure, an attack on representation, and will lead to real harm for us, the students at the heart of the issue, without a voice in the issue. Select an option below to learn more . To find out more about our contests in general, scroll to the bottom of this post. No public districts in Monroe County close school for Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, or Diwali. At first glance, doesnt it seem like my school is enthusiastic about sustainable and healthy commuting? As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Westerman, Ashley. The New York Times on Wednesday said the findings of a report on diversity and inclusion at the paper called for "sweeping" workplace changes, as interviews with more than 400 Times. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. We are being bombarded with an impossible volume of stories, information, and human struggles that we cannot process without major health consequences. Morris, Wesley. Note: The children and stepchildren of New York Times employees are not eligible to enter these contests, nor are students who live in the same household as those employees. Chris Churchill Churchill: David Carpenter,. Fifty Years Ago, so Did 18-Year-Olds. The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 May 2019. FIRST member Aliya Shahnaz Kraybill entered her first writing competition in New York Times and made it to the Finalist list. We believe in student voice. Sadly, the ban will cause further stress, with anxious parents turning to the black market to find teachers. There is a dedicated field in the submission form to cite a number of sources, because readers (and judges) should always be able to tell where you got your evidence. Children Learn Better in Their Mother Tongue. Global Partnership for Education, 21 Feb. 2014. 15 Sep 2019. Embracing progress doesnt prove the Armys leaders have lost their way. It proves they understand you cant find the way forward by looking back. But this pushback proves why taking holy days off is so necessary. China Targets Costly Tutoring Classes. A new book, Student Voice, that collects 100 of the best student essays from this contest all in one place, categorized by subjects like Teenage Life Online, Gender and Sexuality and Sports and Gaming plus, a related teachers guide. Years of lax environmental policy in the U.S. have caused irreparable damage to our environment, and moreover, set a dangerous precedent that corporations can escape accountability for their crimes. But I quickly realized that banning for-profit tutoring companies would not provide relief for millions of my Chinese peers for one simple reason: the gaokao. Schools Need to Build More Bike RacksBy Ruby Jewett, age 16, Jesuit High School, Portland, Ore. I mourn their joy of education as they reach for a chance to grasp the short-lived benefits of an ever-changing economy. These societal expectations narrow the definition of masculinity and force growing boys to fit a single image the real man, a stereotypical tough guy persona while also characterizing emotional expression as a weakness. For many people of color, seeing the dumping of foods within their culture into a singular shelf within an expansive American supermarket is nothing short of traumatizing. Parents Want to Save Them. The New York Times, 30 July 2021. I am a sophomore at New York University, USA majoring in Public Policy with double minor in Translation, and South Asian Studies. Please be very careful to put quotations around any direct quotes you use, and to cite the source of anything you paraphrase. Editorial: Glass half empty The State Liquor Authority and the Office of Cannabis Management have similar missions and vastly different budgets. An individual entry (by a single editor) consists of a portfolio of five to seven headlines. 327344. Please read through all the official eligibility and submission rules before submitting your editorial. Contest dates: March 15 to April 12, 2023. We ask that your editorial be original for this contest. Nakai, Nomie. Even moderate increases in biking could save six to fourteen million tons of carbon dioxide each year, as well as lower air and noise pollution. But every year we rethink our calendar to keep it fresh. Beyond that daily section, however, we have many more resources to help teachers and students plan for this contest: Our daily Student Opinion feature, a low-stakes opportunity to practice honing arguments for an audience. Here are this years rules and guidelines. As one student from Central Washington University pointed out in an article for their schools newspaper, The Observer, the language of dress codes is directed toward females. How Riding a Bike Benefits the Environment. Transportation, University of California Los Angeles, 13 May 2021. A majority of Americans, 81 percent, however, believe the American voting age should stay the same. Holzer figures the Fed will hike rates two or three more times in 2023, possibly including . Talk with others to inform them and organize protests with those who share the same views. Can you tell me why? However, students shouldnt be forced to weigh these options because there are simply no benefits to an entirely skills-based education. For elementary students, taking days off could hinder their ability to develop a routine.