If the offender is a juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the president or any responsible officer. "[72], MacDonald said that lack of effective access to reproductive health services in the Philippines was "antithetical" to the country's struggle against poverty and "It seems to me extremely unlikely that the Philippines will be able to meet its commitment under the MDGs under the present policy. Meanwhile, six co-authors of the bill withdrew support, with the head of the minority group of the house declaring that eight of their group are withdrawing their previous support for the bill. [12], Opponents refer to a 2003 study of Rand Corporation, which concluded that "there is little cross-country evidence that population growth impedes or promotes economic growthpopulation neutralism has in fact been the predominant school in thinking among academics about population growth for the last half-century". While there is general agreement about its provisions on maternal and child health, there is great debate on its mandate that the Philippine government and the private sector will fund and undertake widespread distribution of family planning devices such as condoms, birth control pills, and IUDs, as the government continues to disseminate information on their use through all health care centers. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A NATIONAL POLICY ON RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. (3) Refuse to extend quality health care services and information on account of the persons marital status, gender, age, religious convictions, personal circumstances, or nature of work: Provided, That the conscientious objection of a health care service provider based on his/her ethical or religious beliefs shall be respected; however, the conscientious objector shall immediately refer the person seeking such care and services to another health care service provider within the same facility or one which is conveniently accessible: Provided, further, That the person is not in an emergency condition or serious case as defined in Republic Act No. Effectivity. The basic content of the Consolidated Reproductive Health Bill is divided into the following sections. [76], The Loyola School of Theology and the John J. Carroll Institute on State and Church Issues issued nine talking points on the RH Bill. When women who had attempted an abortion were asked their reasons for doing so, their top three responses were: they could not afford the economic cost of raising another child (72%); their pregnancy occurred too soon after the last one (57%); and they already have enough children (54%). Title. Each LGU, upon its determination of the necessity based on well-supported data provided by its local health office shall endeavor to establish or upgrade hospitals and facilities with adequate and qualified personnel, equipment and supplies to be able to provide emergency obstetric and newborn care: Provided, That people in geographically isolated or highly populated and depressed areas shall have the same level of access and shall not be neglected by providing other means such as home visits or mobile health care clinics as needed: Provided, further, That the national government shall provide additional and necessary funding and other necessary assistance for the effective implementation of this provision. The State shall protect and promote the right to health of women especially mothers in particular and of the people in general and instill health consciousness among them. [68] They argue that a decreased population growth will lead to improved quality of life and economic development. (n) Public health care service provider refers to: (1) public health care institution, which is duly licensed and accredited and devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of individuals suffering from illness, disease, injury, disability or deformity, or in need of obstetrical or other medical and nursing care; (2) public health care professional, who is a doctor of medicine, a nurse or a midwife; (3) public health worker engaged in the delivery of health care services; or (4) barangay health worker who has undergone training programs under any accredited government and NGO and who voluntarily renders primarily health care services in the community after having been accredited to function as such by the local health board in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Department of Health (DOH). RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD INFORMED CHOICE Effective and quality reproductive healthcare services, which are ethically and medically safe, legal, accessible and affordable shall be given. "The passage into law of the Responsible Parenthood Act closes a highly divisive chapter of our historya chapter borne of the convictions of those who argued for, or against this Act, whether in the legislative branch or in civil society," paliwanag ng opisyal. Leaders of both sides, including Rep. Lagman and Rep. Golez, were present. (a) Pursuant to the herein declared policy, the DOH shall serve as the lead agency for the implementation of this Act and shall integrate in their regular operations the following functions: (1) Fully and efficiently implement the reproductive health care program; (2) Ensure peoples access to medically safe, non-abortifacient, legal, quality and affordable reproductive health goods and services; and. [10], In Population and Poverty, Aniceto Orbeta, Jr., showed that poverty incidence is higher among big families: 57.3% of Filipino families with seven children are in poverty while only 23.8% of families who have two children live below the poverty threshold. The forty-eight (48) hours annual pro bono services shall be included as a prerequisite in the accreditation under the PhilHealth. It also states that "abortion remains a crime and is punishable", as the Constitution declares that "the State shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception". Moreover, the State recognizes and guarantees the promotion of gender equality, gender equity, women empowerment and dignity as a health and human rights concern and as a social responsibility. Declaration of Policy. fResponsible Parenthood Is simply defined as the "will" and ability of parents to respect and do the needs and aspirations of the family and children. SEC. Created by. They announced that "Catholic social teachings recognize the primacy of the well-formed conscience over wooden compliance to directives from political and religious authorities", urging Catholic authorities to withdraw their opposition the bill. [citation needed], European Union Ambassador to the Philippines Alistair MacDonald said "We have all seen the figures on illegal abortion a year in the Philippines and I very much hope that both Houses of Congress will take these issues into account in producing a reproductive health legislation which will really help people make their own choices and to provide for their families. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, is a law in the Philippines, which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. For these women, terminating a pregnancy is an anguished choice they make in the face of severe constraints. Rather than being selfish or trying to deceive each other, they ought to deal in a kind and upright way with each other. [16], The University of the Philippines School of Economics presented two papers in support of the bill: Population and Poverty: the Real Score (2004), and Population, Poverty, Politics and the Reproductive Health Bill (2008). "[49] Mangahas acknowledged that the SWS surveys did not include the penalties. (x) Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) refers to any infection that may be acquired or passed on through sexual contact, use of IV, intravenous drug needles, childbirth and breastfeeding. 10354 also known as rh law Lesson Objectives: This module discusses background, rationale, salient provisions, and potential impacts of the "Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" or RA 10354, also known as RH Law. He emphasized that the government should apply the principle of first things first and focus on the root causes of the poverty (e.g., poor governance, corruption) and apply many other alternatives to solve the problem (e.g., giving up pork barrel, raising tax collection efficiency). It also mentioned the Catholic Church as opposing . From the Statement of Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte: On the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 Today, Republic Act No. The government shall promote and provide unbiased information and access to these services. The DOH shall be responsible for disseminating information and providing training programs to the LGUs. Section 5. (aa) Sustainable human development refers to bringing people, particularly the poor and vulnerable, to the center of development process, the central purpose of which is the creation of an enabling environment in which all can enjoy long, healthy and productive lives, done in the manner that promotes their rights and protects the life opportunities of future generations and the natural ecosystem on which all life depends. [79], At 3 in the morning on December 13, 2012, the House of Representatives voted on second reading in favor of the bill with 113109 while five representatives abstained. Establish and set rules 6. (3) Perform such other functions necessary to attain the purposes of this Act. 10354 titled Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Act of 2012 calling for age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education and having a supportive . The TFR for women with college education is 2.3, about half that of women with only an elementary education (4.5 children per woman). (j) Maternal death review refers to a qualitative and in-depth study of the causes of maternal death with the primary purpose of preventing future deaths through changes or additions to programs, plans and policies. All serious and life-threatening reproductive health conditions such as HIV and AIDS, breast and reproductive tract cancers, and obstetric complications, and menopausal and post-menopausal-related conditions shall be given the maximum benefits, including the provision of Anti-Retroviral Medicines (ARVs), as provided in the guidelines set by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC). My position is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health. During the first public hearing on Nov 24, the chair of the Committee on Population handling the bill said that there is no instruction from the Speaker of the House to expedite the bill. (w) Sexual health refers to a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. Congressional approval and presidential assent, Supreme Court challenge and delay of implementation, Section 30 of the law provides that "this act shall take effect 15 days after its publication in at least two newspapers of general circulation". The DOH and the LGUs shall initiate and sustain a heightened nationwide multimedia-campaign to raise the level of public awareness on the protection and promotion of reproductive health and rights including, but not limited to, maternal health and nutrition, family planning and responsible parenthood information and services, adolescent and youth reproductive health, guidance and counseling and other elements of reproductive health care under Section 4(q). Aid recipients such as the Philippines faced the challenge to fund its own contraception program. Section 21. It gives right for personal decisions like abortion if mothers health is in threat. On February 16, 2011, the bill was endorsed by the House Appropriations Committee with amendment and referred back to the Population Committee for finalizing the language. Francisco Montalvan of the Inquirer said that in the end the Damasos are the scheming, corrupt and deceptive people, implying that the "pro-death advocates" are these, while the Cardinal Rosales who started a nationwide fund for the poor is very far from Damaso. Access to Family Planning SEC. 00 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Be involved in your child's life 4. Ang Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. Belmonte said it is better that highly contentious bills be given more attention. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act Essay Previous Next Why choose us Prices starting at just $ 10 per page Custom written, plagiarism free papers written from scratch Free revisions provided you stick to the original instructions High-quality papers. SEC. She reported that every day, "there are 11 women dying while giving birth in the Philippines. Instead he referred to the Filipino Family survey of December 2009 conducted by the HB&A International (an affiliate of Louis Harris & Associates) together with the personnel of Asia Research Organization (the Philippine affiliate of Gallup International).