In the effort to provide quality education to all students, the Board encourages schools within the district to provide academic, cultural, recreational, and aesthetic programs that provide activities targeted toward developing the total student. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Student ID number is available from the school office. Florence, MS 39073 The testing laboratory will notify the principal of the school that the Activity Student attends and will also notify the Superintendent or his designee of any positive test result. All decisions by the board shall be final except for appeal to the Chancery Court of Rankin County, Mississippi and then to the Mississippi Supreme Court. Leave or enter the bus at any place other than their assigned school or assigned bus stop without prior approval from their principal or transportation director. If parental consent is not given and the refusal seems to fit a pattern of child neglect or abuse, this refusal will be considered as evidence for a decision to refer the entire case to the proper legal authorities for resolution. Students under in-school suspension shall follow an attendance schedule arranged by the principal. Greg Zimmerman - 8th Grade Language Arts, Mike Knapp - Minecraft, Amber Keathley - 6th Grade Language Arts, Jenna Deblecourt - Family Consumer Science, Terri McEldowney - 6th Grade Language Arts, Evan Denney - 6th Grade Social Studies, Kristen Teal - Math, Jennifer Ludwig - 7th Grade Math, Rebecca Kelly - 8th Grade Science, and Marshall Hesslau - Counselor. However the number of counseling sessions will be no fewer than five (5) and parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to attend the first and last counseling sessions. The first step in the process is an appeal to the Disciplinary Determination Committee (DDC). In order for any student to qualify for free or reduced price meals, there must be a current application on file for the student. A child with a diagnosis of strep throat needs to stay out of school until on antibiotics and fever free without the use of fever reducing medications for 24 hours. Students are expected to attend class on review days. The Rankin County School District agrees to implement the following statutory requirements in schools currently being served as school-wide Title I schools: 1. Fax:601.992.6005, PELAHATCHIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A tardy slip must be secured from the office prior to admittance to class. Promptness is a virtue that becomes a habit. 6382 Highway 18 9. Prior to the implementation of this policy Rankin County Schools shall provide training to principals and designated site administrators in drug and alcohol use/abuse recognition and in the implementation of this policy. Immediate removal from activities for 28 calendar days. All users are responsible for keeping backups of important data. Those applications shall be the sole responsibility of that office and if the application interferes with any required programs, applications, and utilities, it should not be used and if in use, it may be disabled. Truancy (JBAC) If a student brings a backpack to school, the office will call home and a parent or guardian will need to come get it. Anyone convicted under this act will be recorded as violating a criminal statute. ), or gloves should be worn during the school day. Such suspension shall be in effect until compliance is validated. El estudiante necesitar poner su celular en su armario antes de irse a clase. At that time, the user or the parent/guardian will be required to file a police report. The Northwest community benefits from its diversity! 6. Disciplinary Determination Committee (DDC). 115 Tori Bowie Lane 3. The student need only confer with the designated discipline authority, whereby the charge will be explained and the possible punishment explained. Any behavior by student on campus or off campus constituting a felony or violation of the felony laws of the State of Mississippi. NWEE (517) 817-4929 (517) 817-4669 (517) 817-4927 Please email with any questions. %
If strategies at Tier 1 and Tier 2 are unsuccessful, students must be referred to the Teacher Support Team (TST). Each student will respect the rights of other students, teachers, administrators and other school personnel and visitors as human beings and fellow citizens of the school community. 3. Sagging is not allowed. Many rashes will resolve spontaneously and are not reason alone to keep a child home from school. The parents and local agency shall have an opportunity to present evidence relative to the case. Keep head, hands, arms, legs, body and articles inside the bus. Phone:601.845.2247 Presentation of a certified birth certificate (long form as recommended). : MS CODE as cited; Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, CROSS REF. A hostile environment means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is inappropriate bullying or harassing behavior. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, The Salt Lake City School District values and celebrates the incredible diversity of our students, families, and staff, including our robust refugee and immigrant constituency. These written notes must be received on the day of return to school if the absence is to be excused. By signing the Acceptable Use Policy, users are acknowledging they have read and agree to abide by the Social Media guidelines. Users are expected to take reasonable safeguards against the transmission of security threats over the RCSD network. All records which contain personally identifiable data, other than directory information and materials necessary to daily instruction, shall be maintained and stored in a secure and fire resistant container or location. The confidentiality officer shall participate in those training programs sponsored by supportive agencies which will increase management competency. Course content shall be based on the College- and Career-Readiness State Standards or Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks competencies and objectives. In addition, the Rankin County School District will provide additional services to the parents and community through the school year. SMOD. This plan must also include: the name and purpose of the medication, severity of asthma condition (mild, moderate, severe), the prescribed dosage, the time(s) the medication can be administered, any special circumstances regarding administration of the medication, steps to take in the event of an emergency or life threatening event, and the length of time for which the medication is prescribed. However, school personnel is prohibited from using corporal punishment on any student with a disability. An accumulation of unexcused absences may be one (1) factor in determining promotion or retention of a student. 4. carrying any weapon or any instrument which could be used as a weapon on school grounds or at school functions. The student will be immediately removed from school for a drug/alcohol test to be conducted within 5 hours if the Rankin County School District decides to require submission to such test. Each Activity Student shall be made aware of or given a copy of this policy and of the Student Drug Testing Consent Form, and the Extracurricular Student Random Drug Testing Withdrawal Form . See RCSD Policy GABBStaff/Student Non-fraternization (Staff Conduct with Students). 7. . If users see a message, comment, image, or anything else online that makes them concerned for their personal safety or the safety of someone else, they should immediately bring it to the attention of an adult (teacher or administrator if at school, parent if using the device at home). If no such announcement is made, it should be concluded that all schools will operate as scheduled. 2. Any data stored on district-owned equipment may be archived and preserved by the district for an indefinite period. The report shall be given promptly to the principal or superintendent who shall institute an immediate investigation. Cross Reference: Policy IAC Virtual Learning Days, LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-13-91 as amended by House Bill 1530, Regular Session 2013; Board of Trustees of the Pascagoula Municipal Separate School District v. Individuals with questions, complaints, or needing additional information concerning Rankin County School District career and technical education offerings and specific pre-requisite criteria may contact the Rankin County School District Career and Technical Education Director or the Hinds/Rankin Career and Technical Education Center Director. It is the policy of The Rankin County School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to career and technical education programs, services, or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Hearing before the board: In any case where the hearing is held before the board itself, the board will issue its decision, in writing, to the student, to be delivered either by hand or by mail, within seventy-two (72) hours after the conclusion of the hearing, exclusive of weekends or school holidays or as soon thereafter as is practical or reasonable. The Rankin County School District grants equal educational opportunities to all qualified persons regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, marital status, religion, or disability. Teachers will select which assignments qualify for a redo opportunity with the exception of term/semester exams or Dual Enrollment/Advanced Placement courses that are considered college caliber courses and are guided by external institutions. Absolutely no changes will be made after the first two weeks unless it has been determined by the administration that the best interest of the student will be served. 151 Boyce-Thompson Drive Principal:Kristen Langerman Any student violating this policy (by use of such device in an instructional or educational setting, gymnasium or classroom setting or interior building setting where students may be instructed or supervised) shall be subject to having such equipment or communication device or cellular telephone temporarily confiscated by any school official (the principal or his/her designee or authority) and/or temporary or permanent suspension from the possession of such device for the remainder of the school year. The superintendent or his designee is hereby authorized by the Board to take such further or necessary action as may be necessary to protect the safety, health and well-being of all students, passengers and the general public as may be affected by the Rankin County School District bus transportation program, including the promulgation of rules of discipline andconduct of students. Data relative to individual student absences that exceed the above stated guidelines shall be forwarded to school attendance officers inclusive of information required by that office. Also, please make sure that you check our school website or follow us on Facebook so that we can send you updates on all the great things happening at the middle school and upcoming events that you will not want to miss. 4. This defined date cannot exceed the last day of the current school year. 2. Develop or distribute material, or operate programs or courses of instruction directed at youth, that are designed to promote or encourage sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual, 2. denied, 105 S. Ct. 1749 1985; MS Code 37-11-29. Dress Code for Students (JCDB) Grades shall be recorded no less than bimonthly and shall be listed by standard with a description of the assignment/assessment. No child shall be enrolled or admitted to the first grade of any school in the Rankin County School District unless that child will be six years of age on or before September 1 of that school year. The Rankin County School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district-wide parental engagement plan under section 1112 of ESEA: Establishing a district-wide Parental Engagement Steering Committee. Se asignar un armario a cada estudiante. Utilizing survey results in the strategic planning process for each school and the district. Implementation and/or application of this policy does not prohibit the application of any other disciplinary policies of the Rankin County School District relative to drug or alcohol violations by students and/or staff. Florence, MS 39073 Students who are infected with chronic and/or infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, shall attend the school and classroom to which they would be assigned if they were not infected. principals may approve charging a reasonable fee for participation in an extracurricular activity for academic or non-academic credit for necessary and required equipment such as safety equipment, band instruments, and uniforms; 4. the principal may approve, at his discretion, the conduct or participation in fund-raising activities on behalf of or in connection with a tax-exempt charitable organization, remitting all monies collected to said charitable organization; 5. the principal must approve any sale or rental of items to students even if such is not conducted for fund raising purposes for the school, taking into consideration the benefit to students, the cost to parents, and the method of payment to the vendor; 6. the principal may authorize collection of funds for organizations outside the school (PTO, boosters, etc.)